Autoria: Marina Ribot

Veu en off i text: Marina Ribot
Voiceover and text

Disseny de so: Pere Joan Company 
Sound Design

Subtitulació: Maria Coll 

Traducció: Sarah Marshall

Aquest projecte compta amb el suport
l'Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics a través de
les Ajudes a la Creació 2022
This project is supported by the
Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics through
the Creation Grants 2022.



"Pansir-se com un pinzell a la foscor és una peça audiovisual que aborda les contradiccions, les complexitats i la poètica inherents en el procés i l’acte creatiu. Recorre els verbs REPETIR, AFECTAR, AMERAR, LLISCAR i VESSAR. Cada un d’ells s’acompanya d’imatges i d’un relat sobre el procés d’eixugar-se, de pansir-se com un cos que ja no és capaç d’existir a la superfície."

Per a realitzar el disseny sonor d'aquest projecte s'han combinat sons provinents de llibreries que han estat modificats, amb foley enregistrat a l'estudi.


tab for english
"Drying Up Like a Brush in the Darkness is an audiovisual piece that addresses the contradictions, complexities, and poetics inherent in the process and act of creation. It explores the verbs REPEAT, AFFECT, STEEP, SLIDE, and SPILL. Each of them is accompanied by images and a narrative about the process of drying up, of becoming like a body that is no longer able to exist on the surface.

The piece delves into the openings that artistic research presents when understood as conflict rather than discipline. It explores the excess and immoderation of language, the challenge to narrative linearity in the creative act, the fluidity and softness present in the transformation of bodies and knowledge. It also grapples with the intricancies of translation, and recognizes the significance and discomfort inherent in establishing limits as a creative possibility."

To create the sound design for this project, sounds from libraries that have been modified were combined with foley recorded in the studio.